About Me

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i'm a published poet working on my next book. i love reading, hiking, and and am a mean scrabble player.i admit i'm a sherlockian with pride. but on a warm day, i really like to hang out on my porch with my dog and a cool beverage and people watch the afternoon away.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A New Psalm

Within the thicket of my sorrows, you find me oh, Lord.
A love everlasting, penetrating through my wooded fortress.
You care not for the pine needles that cling to my knees
and the muddy dust that blankets them.
For they are in You as I am in You.
(A filthy reminder of my own holiness)
Hosanna in the most high as angelic voices
tickle my ears and take me home.
But in truth there is no movement,
No ascension, for even in the most low
the wind, Your voice,
cools the fires of my existence and allows for
my modern passions to transcend.
so that this wooded place,
its thorns slashed by the princes of my mind,
is no longer a pit of woe,
but a sanctuary where with to find a peace within.
You have lain there since the dawn of time.
I wish for violins and trumpets with gem ridden streets
to greet me at Your miraculous gates but
the trees are my guardians and the birds sing out,
"Gloria in Exclesies"
A sweet song of mortality that You, oh, Lord remind me of,
Our heaven on earth.

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